Our services are focused exclusively on determining if a Power Factor Correction improvement will save you electrical cost as well as determine how to best go about improving it .

Over the past 25 years we have developed of a method of qualifying Power Factor cost savings, as well as a budgetary project cost related to improving the Power Factor without the need of an initial site visit. This enables us to accurately evaluate your particular situation to determine if a project is worth your valuable time and money.

Each Power Factor Correction project requires the installation of a specific amount of capacitive kVAr to achieve a specific target power factor. Once this is determined and a few questions regarding your facility’s electrical equipment are answered, we can determine a budgetary, turnkey project cost.

This can be arrived at by a review and analysis of your most recent 12 months electrical bills and completing our simple Quick PF Report form. Once this is done we’ll know how much you are currently spending and therefore save if the Power Factor was corrected. With this information we can also determine how large of a power factor correction system will be required which will allow us to determine a budgetary cost for the project. The budgetary cost is based on hundreds of similar projects we have performed over our broad history in the same kVAr range and voltage as your application. If the budgetary project cost Vs. the potential savings on your electrical bill is interesting to you and you know that it would be a worthwhile project for your company, we can then talk about a site visit.

Quick PF Report

The first step to determine if your situation makes cost effective sense for a Power Factor improvement would be to perform a Quick PF Report. This would be an overview of your particular situation by filling out the form on the Contact Us page and supplying one or more (preferably 12) of your electrical bills. If you send only one bill (fax or email) it would be best to send a summer bill such as June, July or August as these would typically be the worst for PF due to the high air conditioning loads. This is a fast and low cost method to determine if your situation is worth further effort and if it will be will be cost effective. The cost is only $73.00 and can be done in 24 to 48 hours. We will call, email or fax back a detailed report with the potential cost/benefit results.

If this results in what looks like a good opportunity for you we would then recommend a Comprehensive Power Factor Correction Analysis.

Comprehensive Power Factor Correction Analysis

This is a detailed analysis and project design service that would be performed only if the Quick PF Report justifies the effort and cost. This report will be based on more detailed analysis of the facility which may require a site visit and electrical testing by one of our experienced staff. The site visit may not be necessary especially if you have a competent electrician, engineer or electrical contractor familiar with your property we can communicate with. The cost of this work is included in the budgetary cost projection and would only be charged if you did not move forward with the project.

Power Factor Correction Equipment Service

If you already purchased or own a Power Factor Correction system and need it serviced, maintained, troubleshooting or require parts we can help. We have performed service for over 25 year on all major brands of fixed and automatic power factor correction systems.

We at EPowerFactor are committed to providing no nonsense approach to helping you determine if Power Factor Correction makes sense for you as well as provide a short term return on investment.